For Lease “Last-Mile” Tlalpan Building 1

San Diego Churubusco, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México
10,631 m²
Tipo de vivienda: Casa
Tipo de operación: Renta
Hace 1 semana, 4 días - Publicado por MARIEL AGUILAR
USD 116,941
Total Area: 4 floor with +2500m2 of storage area per floor and total rentable area of 10,631m2 Clear height: 4.69 to 7.43 meters (15 to 20 feet) Column Spacing: 10m x 10m Door: 6 to 8 platforms Parking: Yard for vans and cars inside and outside 1:250 m2 Floor: Load capacity over 450kg/m2 Construction Type: CMU block and concrete structure with vinyl paint finish Power: 2,750 KVAs electrical substation available plus emergency power plant Fire Protection System: 3 fire fighting system networks (2 with 1,000 gallons per minute capacity), hydrants, sprinklers and smoke detectors, mechanical system. Water Service: Network of cisterns (4 with a capacity of 1,000 m3), hydropneumatic tank. Security: Secure park with restricted access, perimeter fence and guard house Infraestructure: Sanitary, electrical and hydraulic installations for each tenant. EasyBroker ID: EB-NY8213
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